Sunday, November 30, 2008
One Lunch
no no no I'm alive yes yes
giving myself to Christmas
lights restaurant work one
lunch working on my play
healing continues warmly
expecting wanting nothing
else but what I seem to be
having flow slow growing
Friday, November 28, 2008
Common Goals
parallel and interdependent harmonious cohabitation
models perfected society farm small town world city
worlds continually coexist share labor spoils persist
toward common goals happiness survival comfort art
of mind imagination body conscious non-commodity
other same utterly different conditions daily realness
history tide of battles glory tangle mooring drags
here again bereft escaping battered homeless dead
Three Desserts
genuine hospitality excess food deformed
ritual demands more appetite gift exchange
requires we eat and it is mostly very good
large bowl extra stuffing green beans rich
bacon mashed potatoes gravy sweet potato
apple three desserts six eaters overwhelmed
people change menu same mushroom bread
pudding hours work hardly touched every
same conversation flagging stagger home
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One Thing
what if it never gets light
is doing one thing a day enough
I can't go back to sleep once
I'm up I'm up or just lie there
happily not thinking the clock
chimes every half hour in one
comfortable position
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Being Asked
studio too cold I don't
want to work well I do
maybe later maybe now
click and I'm in it enter
Ladd enter Milly many
questions being asked
meanwhile in Racine's
he knows frenzy hope
in perfect Alexandrines
Monday, November 24, 2008
Potato Soup
money hunger lust power survival
doesn't account for my blog or play
then why serious satirical cynicism
literary tone like Arthur Phillips or
myself unbuttoned spins dialogue
this makes me happy I thought
the day was lost but no after all
work emerges application enables
circulation salsa seasons amarillas
quartet times leek and potato soup
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fond Foibles
movie run straight from water onto highway
zooming thinking laughing Garrison Keillor
virtuoso digressing king of fond foibles like
mind on make-believe clearing energies like
Charlie Kaufman depression decrepit death
too many books at Powell's and not the ones
I wanted I can't read the ones I already have
like Hanon's Living Theatre on Third Street I
was there but didn't know the half the other
home for last night's okra companion love
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mighty Hunter
the mighty hunter comes in camouflage
suburban harvester blind tent deer baited
close fenced hi-tech bow aquiver long ago
I would have leapt to the stupid dears'
defense now mock and ruefully applaud
what does it mean that I no longer mind
one more thing I don't have to have an
opinon about or is that denial a cop-out
Friday, November 21, 2008
Good Enough
if not you who
if I don't do it no one will
if ever the moment was
this possible strike
this pitch
ripe as it gets
piling on
if not one another
if not now never
if anyone matters we do
hardly genius
just good enough
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Most Good
seeing tendrils like my thoughts want
to go somewhere climb light dreamer
make dream pattern like tangled vines
faster application efficient use of time
like Darwin watching flowers grow can
prove his theory only less productive
essence not what you do but who you
are Montaigne thinking about himself
hundreds hundreds pages most good
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Both Sides
tai chi legs aspirin milk cinnamon
toast outrageous comfort warm plate
well what is more important if I am
not miserable old Newgate prison for
example might as well be happy I am
lightning strikes rainbows manifest
always thrill remember storms run
for cover I still could run Montaigne
likes both sides suicide sometimes
right torture never mind over fact
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nothing Finer
2.5 billion increased to 6.8 in my memory
70 million extra Ethiopians barely eating
fewer Italians and they are the best most
fun fits in as art fountains strolling streets
naked bodies larger than any stone others
mining tin carry dirt through jungle taxed
harassed miserable happiness high priced
meanwhile imagine 350 varieties of pasta
killing irony the most vulnerable people
least able to adapt requires what of one
can't face facts too much denial under
cuts both ways disabled disimproving
hearing nothing finer through the fog
Monday, November 17, 2008
Blown Away
meaningless memory less existing this
all-time twinkle belies file room diligence
blown away leaves have to be raked up
fall wet yellow grass like shards of sun
whirlpool computer artifact "why am I
haunted by places I'm not sure existed"
chimes unlike thinking unaccountable
apparent lingo lovable in spite as though
my better represents authentic trauma
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Soon Enough

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Then Some
part still wandering through dream what
am I doing here in Minnesota
part scratch ear
part hearing fan through sizzle then some
other complex hum
part anticipating breakfast
part regret for nothing in particular
teeth sinuses spine joints
and later in the day Thanksgiving December
unify unfolding crusty kleenex blow
part worried about the fire in Santa Barbara
hands dancing
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Why Argue
chair like herding eels deciding
anything better goes broke well
why not
full but oval November's moon
like a cat tangling up our ankles
shines love
either man would satisfy instead
she worries I may be wrong so
why argue
machines can't clean air only
time tells who was here when
it was now
Paper Time
update queue moon sets furnace
fights paint smell affliction pass
these by blessed by god or gods
moon furnace movies windows
conspire with coffee chocolate
vision what I need see to drive
begin again flick again minutes
unfold paper time like a pop-up
sketched in gay colored pencil
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Raising Families
Monday, November 10, 2008
Choose to Think
If some of us no longer seem to be able to read a book all the way through, it isn't because of Google or the vast quantity of information on the Internet. To say that is to buy into a sort of determinism that ultimately denies the very thing that makes us most human and arguably gives us our dignity: our ability to think things through, particularly in depth, in a way that can lead to our changing our minds in deep ways … your unwillingness to think long and hard is only a sign of how the problem itself resides within you. It is ultimately a problem of will, a failure to choose to think. If that is a problem of yours, you have no one to blame for it but yourself. (Larry Sanger)
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Drive By
is it a play or a seduction
can't it be both not really
inexorably awake despite
"Fidelio" words-haunted
we drive by later they
are there we want him
to leave but he won't are
appearances deceiving
give it up steep like tea
like another rainy day
not hospital comforting
like friendly featherbed
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Only Smile
were the trains in the subway farther apart
I waited longer every time Wall Street lights
less bright and the dream bus never came
the vacant house is here where the bridge
traffic solid pedestrians teeming entryway
kitchen right descending peaceful refuge
imagine you can get away it cannot follow
nothing to regret only smile fond foolish
resolve another coffee no more cigarettes
Friday, November 07, 2008
If Only (II)
real writing Bishop Lowell alive attention
paid rewards identity without ego only
one like intimate partner verbal mind
no like but actual like ourselves except
wittier lying bed all day writing poems
scheming successfully for admiration
one is who might be if only realized
it's all the same apart from fireworks
occasions not quite perfectly enjoyed
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Saved Up
that Mendelssohn trio ideally played too much
for me at the best of times immediate present
barring moments illness may they quickly pass
hidden morsels of chocolate emerge betimes a
comfort saved up against eventual need lost
control environmental degradation phase out
that phrase lingers resolves falls into motion
ardor warmly unfolds notes demand another
perfectly composed why not admit it all fits
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Classic After
marvelous movies that they exist at all
created realities people seem to live in
patient application magically become
continuous to not believe but embrace
holding hands experience in parallel
latest model Ed Harris's "Appaloosa"
formula western fun entirely satisfies
you like the actors Ed Vigo Renée the
characters they concoct poignant real
only as fantasy commentary on types
and that's enough Cicero insisted on
content anyone can say anything his
style thinking embodied in writing is
all that lasts ironic if true it is only if
true for this moment a classic after
President Obama
What a relief! The Supreme Court will not swing right. Something good has happened. It has been one bad thing after another ever since Bush was elected. One did not realize at the time how critical Bush-Gore was. I hoped Gore would win, may have voted for him, but felt, as Nader maintained, that in most ways the Democrats were just as bad as the Republicans ("nothing to choose"). I had no idea Bush would do so much damage. We have been living under a cloud of democratic guilt, embarrassment, and alienation. The militarists, greedy rich, shameless exploiters, deceived obstructionists, and bottom-feeders are formidable but Obama will at least try to do the right thing. I am hoping for a major change of direction.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
One Gallon
anxious excited nervous hopeful
scared sassy ready impatient optimistic
worried jittery antsy cautious inspired proud
emotional tired anticipatory expectant exhausted eager energized
ambivalent tense hungry curious confident giddy freaked apprehensive
psyched elated apathetic terrified stressed distracted relieved happy suspicious pumped
One gallon of diesel pulls one ton of cargo 59 miles by truck, 202 miles by train and 514 miles by canal barge.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Almost Over
big vote needed to repudiate Bush moves
I'm hopeful this time it makes a difference
campaign unthinkable slog stops thought
poor guys poor Obama lost his grandma
how do they do it month after month on
display the road pressed from every side
almost over let peace and justice prevail
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Wet Leaves
night falls early now the descent
wet leaves collected heavy tarp
warm layers not all removed
Mahler after "Baker Boys" fitting
bedtime mapping other parts
glow makes it hard to see
this is the radiance of solitude
Montaigne rebuking Cicero
we can't all be presidents
Extra Hour
time attenuates fills extra hour
contentless intellection devises
twenty minutes dishwashing till
unconscious passages wake to
quantify viral intrusions creepy
threats sensational discoveries
imply a knife impenetrable fog
fears disarmed by ringing ears
winter woe repaired by spring
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Read Together
throat cut by ice
a poetry of fear
don't fear death
Rumi says burns
Bolivian Peruvian
Bulgarian Chilean
do poetry of love
one Oregon room
Spanish Mexican
Australian Rumi
e. e. cummings
read together
shrunken world
expanded heart
deepened soul
higher thought
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