Friday, September 30, 2005
Sleep Less
day night rain again
another roof watershed
decades later who can
remember why look back
honor continuity pure
original intention sleep
less work more gradually
balance gather treasure
regrouping after equinox
excavating ancient words
this is being friends time
together shared obsessions
meanwhile photos flying
John Albano Charles Terrel
young radiant on my screen
surviving in my enterprise
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Red Leaves
grant writing drudgery electrician talk
make it happen if I can Backstage ad
red leaves my maple whipping breeze
prunes for candy Terry Riley brilliant
writing fragments float free desperate
past crash self abandon enterprise
these fragments shore against ruin
lemurs tail wraps tight around arm
beyond the high wall the open sea
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How Cool
…a flight of fancy, however bold, is never as rewarding as a journey through the challenging maze of real experience (Charles Isherwood). Is this true? Rewarding in what sense?
no more stalling path visible
see how cool Bob Dylan is
We must not throw more good American lives after good American lives for people who hate others more than they love their own children. (Friedman)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
New Cards
sorting Soren Agenouxs writing Id publish
his collected works who will read anything
found bought Mashad rug for under piano
storage unit many Persian lovely bargains
deepen rifts Sunnis Shiites Kurds threaten
Turkey Syria Iran Arabia Israel Afghanistan
new cards full name address cell number
blog address website under construction
complete human contact on to Google
fully available fellow seekers yearning
Monday, September 26, 2005
Old Men
Honorable Cynthia McKinney
says the people united
can stop war injustice
is it not hormonal
young mens aggression
harnessed by old men
aggrandize their power
paid suffering poor
is that not how it is
change that rest follows
and we are not united
falsely foolish suicidal
all need food water shelter
want health comfort love
compassion v competition
is there not enough for all
Tiny Dancers
she loved how slim he was in black
his perfect puppetry of tiny dancers
a private universe of pain, delight
her gross molecules collided
in that small space, his theatre
in fine white hands held their fate
but he danced solo on the wires
solo died alone, vile alien invasion
death would wipe away the stain
but he left a pretty purple shirt
that she found and wore for years
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Same Day
worse than realize
dont want know
same day sunny
anything doable
feel think act
not just read
Orhan Pamuk "Snow"
Sam Cohen "Shame"
Didion grief love
writes truth hard
warm mindful real
thank you Joan
what is unbearable
home health loves
our vulnerabilities
this moment known
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Wild Friends
I never saw myself as one of the freaks
though I tried to fit in
saints imagine themselves perfectible
middle American elite
wild friends more fun
overlapping tribes like musical forms
Flat Out
Carol in the arena
two big gleaming horses
tearing around running flat out
changing direction when she signals
with her whip Annie kicking up her heels
Friday, September 23, 2005
Catch Up
Iraq disintegrating
hurricanes proliferating
might as well have fun
company for dinner lunch
cooking clicking cleaning up
Woody Allen "Sleeper"
women included
keep on loving
chase the now
catch up
this is it
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Words Acts
my life changes obscure distract
everything changes now worse
how did this happen one corruption
at a time writer no passive victim
words acts actions consequences
if we keep going down this track
were not going to get back
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Elder Statesman
Gary concerned "Trouble" timing
Koch elder statesman politicals
not kidding I forget real to them
partisans offended wd see unkind
dishing demeaning trivializing
get into it attack me more scared
Id disappear ignored pointless poor
Bess Myerson forgotten do I care
its history can I sell it without a star
not meaning to be mean thats how
I saw it Gary better another play
blitzed how think I afternoon off
Rolling Stone trashes Burning Man
Stones say new songs necessity
Phil Baker shares Portland contacts
cd I do something closer to home
need new play New York be bold
Keats (1817): …& at once it struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature & which Shakespeare possessed so enormously — I mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Learning to Live
Cunningham novel Specimen Days three stories
overlapping characters themes disjunct worlds
first nineteenth century too painful to read
third future dystopia android alien romance
engaging oddly touching second contemporary
cop terrorism hardboiled love soaked Whitman
genuine writing artful bold postmodern
Julian paints clouds
coming from two directions
I get up do things in the morning
hang discuss pleasure dissipation
edge takes all of your attention
seductive opportunities for grace
in wretchedness is necessary
real accomplishment
learning to live
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Start Again
creekside open mike read three poems
sorting them for book life sections
too many poets — yet I must
having written make possible read
like this what few read if one I am
fulfilled — writing isnt over
only changed I am changer living
manifest active transformation
intimidated youth what is poetry
respect tradition and its breaking
start again — grammar meaning
contain Keats Whitman sufi zen
merely live — spin radiant web
catch dew gilded flying words
our minds work differently must
reconceive — this doesnt work
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Few Remain
who could write call make a difference
no one
well Mary if yes
invited coffeehouse chronicles
La Mama Oct. 15 La Mama Troupe
few remain
memory faint
should have paid attention at the time
thought I was
dog herds sheep
are the sheep afraid
or submissive
doing what the dog wants
Friday, September 16, 2005
Face Forward
theatre broke melodrama lost money
fifteen tonight porch roof leaks cant
finish better season no alternative
Andrew young president learning
brave blunders correctable pray
fresh members solidarity in art
end high modern not beginning
something new last days earnest
now market measures aspiration
face forward schedule people dates
rain fall taking hold acting impulse
keeping true to more hopeful time
Early Writings
render new corporate environment
method discontinuous non-story
early writings poetry on scrap
forgotten stories plays cold trail
cant do anything do something
poetry releases type Becks trial
read Michael Cunningham enjoy
nonhuman adventure real too sad
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Positive Moves
twenty years after Julian Beck
tiny creatures ceiling sounds
circle square stripes clouds
pictures papers sunlight dust
empty cups dull fan dark dorje
John projects positive moves
hugs kiss veggies meditation
silent phone when be happy
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Clean Sheets
itchy gotta get outta here too many same days
waiting jump car coffee post office garbage
vaguely Portland am I burdened New York
project where free lightness imagine why
suffer smooth roads merge flowing freeway
new snazzy Tigard mall Borders Apple store
no movie thread suburban Trader Joes no
contact general cheer isolated persons
Hiro sushi servile bows clubby counter
light read Alexander McCall Smith speed
home waxing moon Bill Evans motoric
white cat in warm strong clean sheets
Monday, September 12, 2005
Shanghai English
alone I lose my grip nothing is real
disoriented strange Ishiguro novel
"When We Were Orphans" deluded
narrator grew up Shanghai English
how any of us know what is world
change grim fact wound innocence
city calls just what will I do there
home nap till four whole day gone
hours exquisite unreadable prose
why restaurant alone cook better
happy with less letting time pass
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Holding My Breath
email seriously piling up behind me
decisions actions due think resolve
Im not having enough fun lack play
mates play music games make art
sabbath watch tennis wash windows
allow myself break work routine
call Mary shell read it tonight call
Monday Tuesday holding my breath
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Radiant Eye
summer ends cool air rain
I wish only to stay home
much too read write think
board chores maintenance
body joy life radiant eye
turn wait wonder project
what for what alternative
warmer clothes gas heat
drive less fly temptation
quietude allow intuition
anticipate whether why
Friday, September 09, 2005
Too Soon
after my nap it is windy
I dont want to go to the theatre
work patiently
stay with the program
this too shall pass
too soon
Thursday, September 08, 2005
War Coming
jules austrian jim catherine french
six american men marvel dangerous
woman fun fast until the war men
trench blast blast then slow quieter
truffauts exuberance serves novel
appropriates extends language film
does everything free deconstructive
another war coming cant go back
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Notes on Style
the sentence for its own sake
words left out; extra words
active punctuation
assonance and alliteration
minimum words; luxuriance
unique images; patterns, echoes
story in context: inner culture
everything for its own sake/being
internal jokes
freedom to do anything
make reader work, wake
take them inside
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Autumn Flame
Arnold Weinstein wit hip word worker
all over plum Autumn Flame planted
scripts copied punched bound sent I
press on money tidy papers desk all
place warm letter Ben no work day
Monday, September 05, 2005
Fast Lane
way too focused on myself
both actresses phone!
Sally NY woke us dawn
in the fast lane
Mary LA sounds up for it
a star at TNC
amazed I thought so
isolated writing
I told her the whole story
sounded great she got it
Paul Santa Fe loves play
cant see himself in it
Lorin tossed broke arm
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Birthday Treat
thats not my view sex love
violet speaks for herself for
me close entwined best more
transcend self honor other
called Mary number message
dug holes for trees one each
light setup Brush Creek Abe
tennis boring even grind
classical cruise too crowded
birthday treat Johns backyard
party progressives revealed
ripe raspberries before dark
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Romantic Stories
question ch'i I feel it what else lovers touch
flows level sensitized feel it meditating web
energy community sangha despite cultural
barriers each for self privacy property right
intention palpable not air five sense despite
microwaves electrical body resonance field
nothing matters more everything follows
violet's romantic stories are too close to her heart
she tries to detach and write again
josh did tell violet that he loves her
words that she has yearned for
even though he tricked her into saying it first
violet feels they are going through a very delicate moment
for not only did she expose her heart
so did josh
violet's heart ached so when josh went to rome
this is when she knew her love for him
even when he came back
she still felt the ache he left her with
and could not declare her love for fear he would get scared
violet remembers the moment she knew she wanted him and only him
he had his hand on her stomach
something happened
she wanted no other ever to touch her again
she never told that to josh
she told the other men she no longer wanted to see them
for still even after all this time they have not given up
she is inundated with proposals
you never gave me a chance
or you would be happier with me
for i can give you everything you need
violet is not swayed or impressed by money
she could be set forever
never have to work again if she left josh for another
violet does not mix sex with love
sex is a pleasure
love is deep within her soul
a mystery of life
a feeling beyond no other
Friday, September 02, 2005
Inspiring Speeches
Lorin graduated Oregon College Oriental Medicine
Portland theatre full 63 new acupuncture masters
commence inspiring speeches listening healing
Amit Goswami quantum activist do-be-do-be-do
Rocketboom unmediated helicopter New Orleans
roofs water people stranded tough communicate
no blame many doing much catastrophe no fix
rebuild crazy it will happen again and again
why wash we will only get dirty again why live
we will only die why anything present good
outweighs future doom deplore foolish waste
improve social justice celebrate joyful now
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Love Tree
what thinking by not thinking "Trouble"
hard sustain energy solo justify expense
how else go back New York sans anyone
produce care better "Half Life" undone
before catchy bisexual insider plot off
map how get anyone to notice bother
Heather sez TNC pretty good deal
thought so good to know thanks Bob
recommends publicist $3000 ouch
love tree flowering pear dark red leaves
pink flowers spring for me a big maple
shade studio afternoon sun blast too
hot sitting end sit computer naked
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