Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Too Late
close foreign bases bring forces home reprogram
only rationale is keeping order but it doesn't work
we make things worse we could learn from history
military no answer but no we go through it again
hard to be exactly happy going into this new year
so much is wrong so little changing still hopeful
Obama will find the courage to turn it all around
elder less personal at stake concerned the world
goes on unlike each bye-bye after care no more
stop waste millions out of work hungry stop wars
more unemployed can't stop it's keeping us alive
warm fed moving barely half awake is it too late
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Heavy Boxes
what did I say let them babble on
what do I care truly all I want is to
do my thing what little energy I have
left allows me organize heavy boxes
defy gluing music Frederic Rzewski
respectable density swings both ways
meanwhile machines do everything
Monday, December 29, 2008
Big Boost
the composition should always get more concise
said Bernhard and I agree too much to read so
keep it short get to the point which still may be
itself elaboration like music expectation tricks
with brain cells directly stimulated pleasuring
poor eyes so many pages to scan close packed
lines like heavy luggage light travel goes as far
more easily avoids tiresome waiting lugs even
wheeled aisle narrows big boost will one really
need cowboy boots in India could have thought
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Real Freedom
poems banners festival planning
like "invisible tears of lost self" if
what is said is not true what then
guides the good man's decisions
all gone wrong who can be joyful
only protected children like boy
sopranos glorious while it lasts
who tells what real freedom is
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Who Knew
power out four days imagine
circumstantial transformation
technology collapse inevitable
nobody quite ready whatever
happened to normal life who
knew repairmen heroic can't
keep up worse storm coming
Friday, December 26, 2008
Purer Path
subtle simple being thought embodied
unapologetic unexplained dramaticized
harmonic resolution dozens of players
as one shining shimmering colossalismo
even so glimpses of a purer path arise
new year century president self undone
relation original language as if wording
unspoken definition always having way
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Interesting Lives
Christmas without baby Jesus children
not so bad nobody but ourselves a few
presents our usual happy consolations
class is taste honor preferable to glory
even interesting lives end Harold Pinter
Eartha Kitt remembered a little longer
form trivializes virus weak exhausted
I am strong practiced tai chi learning
swims await return of ordinary time
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Surface Tension
Promise or threat? Train whistle occasional, country road highway various volume roaring of somewhere else, the possibility of going, the threat of being taken away, or abandoned. Cars in the driveway say the same thing all the time. If one of them is gone, we are apart, which is fine until night falls and the house is half-empty, one of us here, the other not. Drawn to freedom and newness, appalled at the possibility. If this is not everything, I am radically incomplete, trapped in surface tension above an unknowable ocean. If I go somewhere else I am neither here nor there. Elsewhere I am no one; at home I am a fraction of myself. The only unity is to have nothing, a few rags, a bowl.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Too Sincere
slippery bags of raw meat imagine what
community grill implies voting Sparrow
"Mrs. Palfrey" too sincere unconvincing
good intentions oddly hypnotic anyway
like spinning violin affirming Christmas
goodbye snow rain coming ruins effect
perfect the way it is personal worldview
conditioned luck blessings undeserved
Monday, December 22, 2008
Animated Air
snowed in chains required not on
of course I can I have to want to
go somewhere badly enough like
swimming are they open I'll call
everything else can wait staying
home especially delicious I love
the light the quiet animated air
Iced Over
tripped over the dog froze
iced over slept through die
final different story ended
fresh energy climb Andes
ancient carved spectacle
beyond seasonal histories
easy fun heart expanding
temperature transformed
unique animal continuity
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Bending Over
longest night relief coming our way
ice falling eucalyptus bending over
rain falling freezing fire festival off
Morocco finished rejoin Montaigne
pleasantest of personalities my tree
lights on till day lengthening happy
my dread is gone the night no longer
frightens me I drift around warming
the various rooms absorbing stories
words images music play with light
ideas anticipate cycle nothing less
awful burning imagination for luck
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Lighting Up
residual fauna like Disney collectibles
lighting up and playing music Swedish
meatballs seven-layer dip saucy shrimps
certainly alive only partially transformed
drive slowly on snow speaking of theatre
fascinated baby see me peel a tangerine
Friday, December 19, 2008
All Sides
will will power make room for art
the character question poses itself
thin or round seduction by success
unequal dangers threaten all sides
head heart holding hands balances
my always dear concern for my own
protection giving everything I have
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Army
where is my army of servants
maids cleaners housekeepers
valets chauffeurs dishwashers
tuners grooms lackeys butlers
laundresses financial advisors
trainers secretaries assistants
filing clerks masseurs barbers
manicurists polishing windows
why do I have to do everything
myself (except the gardening)
What Is
Beethoven apposite again funny
good art rotating ever renewed
project push completed clears
Christmas wondering what now
email clearage reveals lost gems
heartbreak distance from friends
accepting limits of here harder
still what is rich past expression
by the time you know how to live
it is almost too late so hurry up
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shining Winter
closing cheery snowy swimming
positive filing baby singing play
delicious cherries frozen chains
particular sons hiking rain Peru
continues action Santa Barbara
spinal adjustments careful walk
smiling phoning shining winter
Monday, December 15, 2008
True Speaking
out of what the soul has given him the poet
makes the work suspended harmony silent
mind explosion each moment passing worth
regret no sin true speaking honestly amuse
whatever is not written down does not exist
if it doesn't make the news it didn't happen
example what you or I did yesterday spoke
played "worked" felt every possible passion
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Simple Thinking
close call clipping the curb at speed
on the Sawmill anything can happen
but usually doesn't
don't count on it be mindful always
every step potential disaster months
in a nursing home
similarly free cares rinsed away in
freshets similarly threaten flooding
ten feet deep
simple thinking reveals mistakes
too late drive slower pay attention
be a little safe
Friday, December 12, 2008
Future Blank
Freddie invoked again a flurry of names
nothing to do about lost friends missed
opportunities for closer further amours
sweet pain remains forever yet we must
go on centripetal spinning apart timed
out and doing other things the present
emotions never completely expressed
developed resolved linger seductively
indulged protest against future blank
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What It Is
a craving for cinnamon got it
all cravings gratified cinnamon
toast cold milk the body still
capable of pleasure glaciers
pushing the ice shelves out to
sea brrr just thinking about it
something other than stanzas
are Italian rooms sad Nissan
stories something other than
line spaces hard to draw with
regular lines that's what it is
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Heavy Enough
the play takes everything I have
or had plenty more where did it
go creeping sleepyness the price
of getting up early squeeze it in
true the shape counts more than
form itself speaking in my head
I can begin but don't dare think
clearly lightweight heavy enough
A Beautiful Novel
formal adjective white soft condign smooth
Bob Heide a rush of affection leaving this
place where I felt at home forever two tall
handsome young men one fair one dark
announce they look alike I hadn't realized
they could be twins an elegant gabardine
drape unusually cut overflowing friendly
warmth as if my life is a beautiful novel
Monday, December 08, 2008
Open Hearts
good nature band people herded each
counts noodles hoping stay together I'm
not the only once who's lost keep trying
room in the noise for chaos precision is
better in surgery Mimi contends just fine
what other fun days flowing naturally
dotted with doings centered on writing
being home read films "Rosenstrasse"
brilliant but opaque not being German
or Jewish Moroccan Tibetan or Czech
where would I go if I were going some
where warm fragrant colorful markets
mellow cafes friendly artists open hearts
Kerala stands out viewing moonstones
teenage dance class delirious amazed
Sunday, December 07, 2008
All This
Morocco history illuminates endless conflict structural heads cut off palaces leveled political maneuvering armies torture where have I heard all this before
meanwhile lives beauty art holy ecstasy love children weaving houses horses food
as if this isn't enough
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Using Fingers
keeping on step backward into water diving
gets it over faster better watch icy driveway
falling danger careful needed special gloves
one warm hand enough to comfort another
feathered wool synthetic answer if leaning
touch anything typing driving using fingers
ideas arise naked even winter shorter light
at different angles temperatures rise then
dissipate leave marks exuberant creation
Friday, December 05, 2008
Four Hours
so much going on it cancels out
I wish I could sit still and read I
do not much of anything but all
I can four hours restaurant work
too much standing numb after
nap only piano playing possible
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Inner Quiver
tremble no earthquake inner quiver ever
present company unreachable horizontal
suggest disintegrating heartbeat tempo
obvious at the time to survive tomorrow
gave myself a laugh encouraging moves
temper seasonal droop inevitable shots
confirms positive practice free hospital
waits warm light on nurses wide awake
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Keep Dancing
routine frames unexpected variation
calm enables intense reception open
to something arises home date Fitts
fish piano challenge further writing
Roethke trumps notey Mendelssohn
shames my clumsy snaps unworded
house card career played for keep
dancing believes in actual existence
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Another Day
intermittent constancy affirms classical beauty
intelligence harmony formal grace dynamic
asymmetry assures continuity cycle beyond
going on giving tender appreciation welcome
touch gentle strong slow fast virtuosity like
staying home granola phoning another day
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