Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Up and Down
flying fingers hit the right notes
now soft now loud now shaping
phrase the language learned can
thus emerge what pleasure play
reread Maugham's "The Razor's
Edge" untrammeled joy so deft
deep art of living civilized wise
truth cunning fictional device
relax delight in season's pass
a morning's work a walk a talk
the news goes up and down as
if it mattered how leave world
Time Out
time out for a wedding Shannon Mark
joyously thoughtfully sincerely united
among generations family and friends
gladly love praising accepting playing
at a beautiful mellow Mendocino ranch
idealistic aspirations raise hope future
bright imagination everything flowed
time out for a road trip together south
over mountains fending off distress at
vanishing glaciers shrunken lakes hard
lives own dears myriad wedding people
warm various vital then home via coast
serene redwoods ascend Klamath River
grand panoramas earth survives us all
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Maybe Tomorrow
crisis fiasco meanwhile details
tai chi ironing scan honeymoon
photograph reglue thunderbird
horse arrangements distribute
produce meaning not time but
being however your cards fall
no luck lasts happy never free
except today maybe tomorrow
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Who Cares
who whom even the Times New Yorker
lay lie on everybody's lips Palin's nonstop
gonnas unremarked between you and I
embarrassing when anybody says it who
cares I do stumbles repetitions I mean
you know style not content matters most
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hiding Out
keeping busy well not really not
directing teaching mentoring
being admired who'm I kidding
words it wisely expend energy
judgment not required odious
comparative careerism moves
Vermont wherever hiding out
chopping mowing manicuring
forest few creatures surround
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Happy Ending
down comforter reset path lights clean
furnace filters order propane rainy day
season changes real if anything is real
easy writing myth follows production
bail-out no new deal old rip-off richer
protect each other ordinary folk lose
not to be cynical Woody Allen bitter
seeing what people are forced to do
survive support family happy ending
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Theatre Fun
disorienting theatre fun with serial murder
rocking "Everybody Wants to Kill Someone"
small town community playhouse singalong
what are they thinking I utterly don't get it
what can I offer Beckett Bernhard myself
I will think of something but really insults
curses "Shut the %#*@ up" again and again
poisoned cupcakes caged women ha ha ha
Friday, September 19, 2008
Higher Things
dramatical initiatives not dead yet
can be satisfied still more to learn
give ask receive transactionalities
whether anyone responds another
rising twice burned Barcelona the
way it has to be for you and me is
still romantic colors music rainy
symbols wit locations traveling
humans yearn for higher things
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Even Now
only actual matters "the meaning
is in the details" lessons slowly
penetrated even now uncertain
each moment context measures
sliding vowels consonants mix
abrasive mellow desperate shock
mind habit dubious questioning
harder better ideological winner
one poem bearable at this time
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good Lighting
silence darkness sudden chill equinox
approaching onions garlic tender gum
car repaired Rufus Wainwright tai chi
slight slump except work going well I
like my book finished what shall I do
these mysteries require good lighting
propose directing one-act comedies
stock market falling trips ill advised
cut back need no new clothes I have
too many pleasures past purchasing
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tennis Fanatic
other possibilities than crickets
disguised commodities traders
intrude unwillingly entertained
as you report the home front
sucks I was extremely sleepy
all day naming tennis fanatic
that doesn't help solve anyone
can answer dance I'm evicted
how it feels what now what if
tree in Traci front seat smells
of cigarettes excuse me are
we be sheltering a murderer
giraffe at the top of the stairs
enfeebled what to do the baby
may in fact have been rented
Monday, September 15, 2008
Moon Cat
sadness brilliant full moon night soon gone
Luna will come again in just four weeks but
by then it will be raining overcast chilly still
rejoice that the night is ever bright blessing
love romance anew mortal white moon cat
emerges joining dance gleams below as well
don't be sad this transience our happiness
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Two Bodies
when did I start holding my own
hand last year quite comforting
beside my pillow try it you'll see
not the same of course but who
can stay in contact all the time
asks so little giving everything
touch fades if you stop moving
nerve ends register what's new
two bodies confuse each other's
thermostats heat up and sweat
unless it's cold then thank God
for a source of warmth and love
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Heading Up
a matter of bubbles forming one last
rose the walnut losing leaves Kansas
here too an invitation to mild regret
as if other's choice could set us free
back then repairs would be for good
clean barely needed the broom every
other Sunday on our own it's all time
now stars stop at the bright horizon
laughing at ambition limits wonder
that anyone can read between lines
bothers nags the academic framers
speak in Russian only to each other
I understand it's late the sun barely
glows the body process heading up
as if beginning permanently waves
goodbye as if knowing it has to be
Friday, September 12, 2008
Move Air
late enough wake up keep it all
going part of movie will do the
trick ironic sleepytime rumble
phoning convenient substitute
email rushing tapping kitchen
pickup hookup undiscovered
country cousins weekend lost
power washer rent laugh lines
entirely dependent on actors
short wise practical windows
ventilate few hot days move
air before stale future stalls
Thursday, September 11, 2008
For Marya
I am exhilarated that you are so busy
making teaching presenting inspiring
I finally understood what style was
too late for myself but never too late
masks dances yoga hospitality art
is anything that isn't something else
my book is finished again now what
shall I do while the leaves change
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Write On
English subtitles not matching what is being said in English
that's very strange and why is Nádas boring us this way art
undoubtedly political tragedy understandably crazy-making
no one is immune if not that then diabetes could be cancer
everything is true so you get to choose what you want to say
really it chooses you virtual twins more different than alike
so much for nurture if apples reliably complement cheddar
closeness comforts thoughts arise bubbles burst I write on
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Philosophy in Action
another something emerging synapses click hum
hiss wish future improved philosophy in action if
it breaks throw it away (recycle?) buy a new one
what was valued fixable no more values renewed
interest meaning sinful usury whitewashed evil
replacement season illusion that cycle revolves
what I mean to say what I don't want to believe
curmudgeonly buffeted looming walls of water
Monday, September 08, 2008
Ran Off
dream nuts mix a different later long ago
as if to mock all my efforts at coherence
insight sensible perspective the quiet air
the beautiful friendly European youth a
closer gurgle in the night I wake at four
perfectly composed ready for anything
tell me where I went astray misled love
muddled lost my own direction ran off
looking for underlying nature true self
misconstrued cruel history civil failure
culture in ruins all marketing and spin
losing happiness what mattered most
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Changing Weather
inertia repetition vigorous routine missed
connections jokes ungotten shows unseen
colors may mean opposite moonrise odd
noise house creak peepers inside my head
inexplicable phenomena not worth talking
that's what I said before thinking twice
five is fifty-five hardly begins boil berries
sugar jars I could be scared and if I were
what darkness kisses changing weather
whether or not anyone notices I am here
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Mine Too
Saturn today because yesterday fried
first I know in fact because art party
was there as if real markers let swim
it's raining in New York quel mess
except it isn't four best ready play
breakfast as I write heading Queens
Hibiscus Jackie reappear in drag it's
fate I edit Jimmy's book edit what I
do among others peering shoulder
crisply quip quick reminder mine
too finding voice remember bright
idea fun pun excuses any long lapse
Friday, September 05, 2008
Five Times
I do eat granola require cheese prefer berries
the usual kitchen melodrama curries ripening
tomatoes next door apples crisp tart delicious
anybody artist dares to show portraits people
we know young friend stands approaches we
talk I feel much better stroll inspecting slides
high school exciting five times his age formal
memories themselves go stiff decay revealed
wisdom composed word salad will to nourish
Thursday, September 04, 2008
One Other
if not Chopin a kiss
or Chopin plus kiss
private sleepy ritual
it privately enjoyed
plan needs vetting
decisively poetical
arrangement made
all present say aye
four favor women
two display regret
one warm remind
delivered in haste
puzzle by myself
imply discomfort
paisley on a skirt
best in one other
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Different Story
two sisters walking down by stream
passionate intensity the tennis court
toast with honey a dog the night tail
wagging we resist I only I back sleep
sorry different story replaces reality
dreadful politics replaces individual
sing while can trees die barns burn
bright jovial shaded weeping willow
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
What It Means
salute moon sliver sailing home what quandary
veritably none but accepted contradictions who
knew love triangle not resolvable through sex
if that was what he was talking about it would
be simple biomechanics instead all history is
implicated at least that part of what it means
all too true all false values bad taste matters
less than thought a unicorn in needlepoint a
standard pattern based on cloistered tapestry
a manuscript drag queens what else the shock
wears off pass bar this time wince and play on
better make a book than buy one birthday gift
Monday, September 01, 2008
Common Factors
names easily misspelled anything it's a wonder
we find each other something distorted world
not the way we think existing everything swell
interpretations subject to attention gaps flag
false understandings derail common factors
follow syntax meaning elusive details sharp
Jimmy's manuscript in bits arrives a birthday
intervenes affection honed by careful practice
coming Schubert party contrast practice sleep
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